• Spring Break Activities

  • SPRING BREAK BEGINS MARCH 15TH AT 12PM AND ENDS MARCH 25TH. Classes will resume on Monday, March 26th.

    The chill of winter is receding and sunset is steadily creeping back into the evening hours. With the return of warmer temperatures comes a new cache of available activities to participate in during the break.

    Spring break may be a weeklong vacation from academics and schoolwork, but it’s easy for kids to get bored without structure or planned activities. And boredom usually leads to increased screen-time rather than engaging with their communities.

    Here are a few ideas for children of all ages that can help bring some structure and substance to the time away from school:

    Go to the beach

    Many rush to the beach once the mantle of winter is finally shed for sun, surf, and sand. But if the beach is too far or not an option, a community pool or even the local YMCA can serve as a splash-filled substitute.

    Visit your local dollar store

    Younger children are very easy to entertain. Picking up a new coloring book and fresh box of crayons can provide hours of amusement for young minds. Whether looking for art supplies for that project you found on Pinterest or a new screen-less toy, dollar stores offer many affordable options.

    Visit the park

    Enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine while allowing children to expend some of their boundless energy running, swinging, and playing with other children. Parents can take turns supervising groups of kids. Flying kites, playing Frisbee or catch, having a picnic, or even just strolling and feeding the birds are all great options.

    Go strawberry picking

    In Central Florida, December through April is prime picking season for delicious strawberries. Grab a basket and venture to a nearby you-pick farm for an activity that brings children closer to nature.

    Plant something

    Gardening is a fun project for kids to learn how to grow their own flowers or food. A trip to a local nursery to pick out pots (low cost option: use empty egg cartons) and seeds can be a great family activity. Start an indoor herb garden or have them glove-up and help plant in the backyard.

    Whatever you choose to do, we hope you have fun. Enjoy the time together and have a wonderful Spring break!