Looking toward the end of the school year can be a relieving yet daunting feeling for students. While your child may be excited to wrap up the school year, they may also find it difficult to prep for final work and other responsibilities. The anxious reactions children may have about end-of-year preparations can get in the way of learning and last-minute assignments. As parents, you can help your child navigate this time of year in a positive way. There are techniques to help your child manage the stress and prepare for the end of the school year.
If your children are struggling with final work, low grades, and/or anxiety for the end of school year, read on for some helpful strategies you can employ to help them finish strong.
Help your child prepare for end-of-year testing.
Prepare your children for final tests. Ask them and their teachers where they have a hard time learning certain material and help them find ideas to understand it. For example, if your child struggles with math problems, think of ways, such as flash cards or games, to help your child do better with those math concepts. Talking about past successes reminds them of how they have preserved in the past and boosts their confidence. Discuss with them about managing stressful feelings through deep breaths, relaxation techniques, or “talking back” to anxious thoughts. When they are at home, give your students plenty of free time to go outside and play. In this context, children can have fun, challenge themselves, release anxiety, and bolster confidence.
Ask about feelings.
Asking your child about their worries from the end of the school year lets them know you are listening, which is very beneficial. Ask what makes them nervous and how you can help. Also, asking your children what they are looking forward to highlights the positives and builds anticipation and motivation for their favorite interests. And with that information, you’ll know what plans to make for the summer. Now is a good time to start researching activities like art camp, zoo camp, space camp, swimming lessons, or place you’d like to visit.
Find out about low grades and extra credit.
It doesn’t hurt to ask how your child can improve grades and/or obtain extra credit. What can your child do to make up for low grades? Can some assignments be repeated once the child has a better grasp of the material? What concept needs to be mastered before moving forward? Learning missed skills is important. Consult school officials to learn more about grade improvement and extra credit.
At Aspire Charter Academy, we want our students to be stress-free and, instead, have fun with the end of the school year. We hope to individually guide each student so they can reach their full learning potential by the end of each semester. Our goal is to foster a positive and family environment so your children can properly learn. We understand that our students are your children. That is why we strive to provide an uplifting educational atmosphere. Call us at 407-297-9955 to learn more!