• Helping Your Children Set and Reach Their Goals

  • Goals—we all set them. Whenever we have a task to complete or a mission statement to fulfill, we set goals to keep us moving forward. In education, career, and life, goals are the driving factor for what we do. It is never too early to start an objective. Teaching your children to set goals for themselves will help them succeed now and later in life. At Aspire Charter Academy, we believe that a goal-oriented education is an effective part of helping students learn and feel proud of their accomplishments.


    You can show your children how to set goals. Here are four ways to help your children develop an objective:


    1. Show them the rewards.


    Finishing a goal feels very rewarding. By expressing to your children the benefits of a completed goal, they may see the importance in them. Think together of times your children have used goal setting as way to gain something by explaining and identifying when they used goals without even knowing it. This strategy will help them understand the act of setting objectives. Remembering specific examples of when they made goals and achieved them will help motivate them to set goals for a new endeavor.  Along the way, you can surprise them with small, tangible rewards like an occasional sweet treat or desired privilege to further reinforce the goal.


    1. Let them choose their goal.


    If your child chooses the goal they want to achieve, they will have more fun in the learning experience and be more invested in the outcome. This strategy also helps them find their own interests. Younger students may benefit by thinking of things they do well, and then one wish for something they would like to do better or learn. The wish becomes their goal. Older students may benefit by listing their interests, finding a pattern, and then focusing on a specific aspect of those interests. They may choose to learn an instrument or excel in a sport. If the goal is their own, they’ll be more motivated to accomplish it.


    1. Help them break larger goals into smaller goals.


    If the bigger goal is to read a particular book, break that goal into the smaller goal of a certain number of pages or a certain amount of time each day. If the bigger goal is to excel in a sport, break that goal into smaller goals of practice times, specific workout drills, or points scored. Once they finish each objective, they’ll feel a sense of accomplishment.  With each small goal realized, they will see themselves moving closer to the bigger ones.


    1. Help them commit by writing it down.


    Encourage your learner to write down their goals—big and small. The possibilities for doing this are unique to each student. Some examples include making a list, drawing a poster, writing a journal entry, or creating a vision board. Writing down their goals (or you writing them for younger children) has the effect of making them real and valuable to your children. Your involvement sends the message you will support them in their efforts.


    At Aspire Charter Academy, we believe that a specialized focus on positive behavior support fosters an atmosphere that uplifts young minds and inspires them to learn. Our goal for our students is to instill in them a love of learning so they can go home every day with something new. Call us at 407-297-9955 for information on enrollment.