• Importance of A Sleep Schedule for Children

  • It’s that time of year again. Summer is coming to an end and it’s time to get back on a regular schedule. School will begin soon and transitioning from a summer schedule to a school schedule is important to your child’s mental health.

    According to an article published on webmd.com, regardless of your child’s age, it is important to have them on a regular sleep schedule. Establishing good routines in your child’s schedule, including their sleep schedule, will help them to perform their daily activities at peak performance.

    Here are 10 tips to develop an effective schedule for your family.

    1. Manage Everyone’s Sleep As A Family. You can do this by monitoring how much sleep each person needs and discuss any sleeping problems anyone has.
    2. Be On The Lookout For Sleep Problems. Look for signs that your child is not getting a good night sleep. Signs could be that your child is overtired, Cranky or sleepy throughout the day. They may also have a tough time falling asleep at night. It would be good to consult you doctor if you see any of these signs.
    3. Be Consistent. Whether you are trying to get your child on a sleep schedule or getting them to do their homework, maintaining a consistent schedule will help you be more successful in your efforts.
    4. Do It Together. It is always better if parents are on the same plan when it comes to setting up sleep schedules, making house rules, and disciplining their children. Support each other and create a plan to manage each part of your child’s day.
    5. Set a Regular Schedule. By setting up a regular bedtime and wake time, it is easier to plan out a regular bedtime routine.
    6. Make It A Routine. By setting up regular routines, you are eliminating the stress out of bedtime. Structured betimes and a regular routine will help your child feel secure and in control. A regular routine could be a bedtime story or even a short discussion about how their day went. This should be done on a regular schedule to help manage a good sleep routine.
    7. Dress Them In The Right Clothes. Make sure you child is in a comfortable bedtime outfit when going to sleep. It is also important to have the temperature set comfortably for better sleep. Remember younger kids kick off their covers and may not cover themselves back up in the middle of the night. Make sure the home is comfortable for everyone.
    8. Teddy Bear or Favorite Blanket. It is sometimes hard for little children to be separated from their parents at bedtime. Give your child a doll, teddy bear, or anything that will provide comfort and security for your child a night.
    9. Keep Out Light and Noise. You child will get a better night sleep if their room is dark and quiet. If they want a little light in their room, you can use a small night light or leave on another light in the house and crack their door open just a little.
    10. Last Minute Things Before Bed. Many of us have experienced when our children are putting off going to sleep. You child may have to use the bathroom, want a drink of water and our favorite is Hugs and Kisses before bed. Plan on these things happening and try to get them done before your child is in bed. They should know once they are in bed, it is time to go to sleep and not get out of bed.

    A good sleep schedule and proper amount of sleep is so important for your child’s mental and physical health. As school starts back up, we want to give our children every opportunity to be successful which includes a good night sleep.


