• Reasons to Choose a Charter School

  • In Central Florida, parents have many educational choices to consider for their child’s development. Trying to sort out options can be difficult, but here are some tips to help you decide on the right fit for your child.  

    Charter Schools Receive High Ratings

    According to the State of Florida Department of Education, “Charter schools are public schools of choice. They are very popular—and among the fastest growing school choice options in Florida. Charter schools are largely free to innovate, and often provide more effective programs and choice to diverse groups of students.” According to the Miami Herald “Florida Department of Education recently released a report showing that the state’s charter school students outperformed their peers on a host of standardized tests.”


    Many charter schools use innovative teaching styles to fit the needs of their students. These can include creative presentations, peer to peer supervised learning, small groups, reading buddies, visual enhancements and other techniques to help maximize your child’s educational experiences. By using the latest computer technology, including classroom smart boards, the enhanced learning experience is second to none.

    Learning Styles

    Each child has a different style of learning. Some students learn from listening to the instructor, some are visual learners needing to see the lesson, and some need to be shown how to accomplish the lesson. These learning styles are taken into account when choosing the best path for your child’s educational journey. Charter schools are particularly well-positioned to provided individual educational plans for each child’s personal learning style in order to maximize your child’s learning experience. It’s important to consider learning styles when you choose a school that will best fit the needs of your child.

    Aspire Charter may be Your Best Choice

    If your child needs a caring, nurturing, educational environment where each students’ needs and aspirations come first, Aspire may be for you. Please feel free to call and discuss how Aspire can improve your child’s education.

